resina is a platform for research based in Ferrara. Resina's work is invested in developing slow-paced alternative education experiments and residencies projects, with a particular focus on themes related to ecology and  the need to rethink the relationship between people, ecosystems, and the stories of the surrounding territories. Through the organisation and programming of slow-paced artistic and research residencies, as well as non-formal educational projects, resina supports emerging practitioners working across various forms of art, research and writing.  Since 2023, resina is part of Wunderkammer Consortium: a center for research, education and cultural, social and environmental production on the Ferrara river docks.

︎︎︎ Team and collaborators

Residency Program 2022

7.09 2022, h.19:00
Sala Polivalente, Ferrara

︎︎︎Residency Program 2022

Informal sharing of the collaborative moving image work by artist Sandi Hudson-Francis, realised during their residency in Ferrara.

“There are times when I simply cannot assume that I know what you know” (Audre Lorde, “Sister Outsider”)

‘In All This Between Us’ is a collaborative moving image work by artist Sandi Hudson-Francis and filmmaker Rosie Morris. Inspired by conversation between friends and poets Audre Lorde and Adrienne Rich recorded in 1979, the work will be an endeavor to explore each others’ differences as a way to find deeper understanding, and to reflect upon what might be learned from the 70’s in the context of today.  As the artists write, “coming from a position of love and friendship, we will use the text as a framework for exploring how our personal experiences have influenced our practices, whilst exploring themes of class, race, intersectional feminism, family and mothers.”

During the event, the artists will share aspects of their work-in-progress research. The event will be held in English. Some parts of the event will be translated or subtitled.

Meeting organized by ARCI Ferrara and Resina, as part of the “Fuori Binario” project of ARCI Emilia Romagna and part of the 2022 resina residency program.

Presentazione informale del lavoro video delle artiste Sandi Hudson-Francis e Rosie Morris, realizzato durante il loro periodo di residenza a Ferrara.

"Ci sono momenti in cui semplicemente non posso presumere di sapere quello che sai tu"
(Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider, 1984)

“In All This Between Us” è un lavoro video realizzato collaborativamente dalle artiste Sandi Hudson-Francis e Rosie Morris. Ispirato ad una conversazione tra amiche e scrittrici Audre Lorde e Adrienne Rich registrata nel 1979, il lavoro sarà un tentativo di esplorare le differenze reciproche come modo per comprendersi più profondamente, e di riflettere su ciò che si può imparare dagli anni ‘70 nel contesto di oggi. Come le artiste scrivono, “partendo da una posizione di amore e amicizia, useremo il testo come cornice per esplorare come le nostre esperienze personali hanno influenzato le nostre pratiche artistiche, esplorando tematiche legate a classe, genere e razza, femminismo e intersezionalità, famiglia e figure materne.”

Durante l’evento le artiste condivideranno il lavoro video e aspetti della loro ricerca work-in-progress.  L’evento si terrà in inglese. Alcune parti dell’intervento saranno tradotte o sottotitolate.

Incontro a cura di ARCI Ferrar e Resina, nell'ambito del progetto “Fuori Binario” di ARCI Emilia Romagna e parte del programma di residenza artistica 2022 di resina.