resina is a platform for research based in Ferrara. Resina's work is invested in developing slow-paced alternative education experiments and residencies projects, with a particular focus on themes related to ecology and  the need to rethink the relationship between people, ecosystems, and the stories of the surrounding territories. Through the organisation and programming of slow-paced artistic and research residencies, as well as non-formal educational projects, resina supports emerging practitioners working across various forms of art, research and writing.  Since 2023, resina is part of Wunderkammer Consortium: a center for research, education and cultural, social and environmental production on the Ferrara river docks.

︎︎︎ Team and collaborators

Stick With Me

Stick with me
7, 8.05.2022
Resina  x  HPO
HPO, via Vignatagliata 33/A, 44121 Ferrara
Spring is in the air, sticky buds are sprouting, and we have organised a weekend of workshops, conversations, screenings and music at the HPO headquarters, in order to share some ongoing and future projects with you.

In 2022 Resina’s programme explores aspects of the history and ecology of the Po Delta’s watery environment, following histories of rice and work, poplar trees, and collective living experiments in the Ferrara area. As well as presenting aspects of our research, we have invited local practitioners to contribute to the weekend and engage in this moment of sharing and informal learning.  


Saturday 7 May:

17:00 – 18:00
“Water Bladder per la Didattica Outdoor”, talk partecipata by HPO collective and PLAM Creative Studio

Il collettivo HPO in collaborazione con PLAM Creative Studio will present their ongoing project "Water Bladder for Outdoor Education", , shortlisted for the  Federico Maggia 2022 Award (Biella), a project which sees the group designing an interactive water tank which will bring rain water to the allotment of a school in Biella. Click here for more info.

18:00 – 19:00
“La Processione/The Procession”, performative talk by Sara Ortolani

La Processione/The Procession, a performative talk that guides us through her research around ‘performances of care’ between humans and the land they inhabit. We are advancing slowly, like the Po river, towards something that we don’t conceive of yet. A procession that raises questions about what community means, and around the relationship between the individual and the collective.

19:30 – 21:00
“Chasms Where Streams Fall And Disperse”, sound and visuals Pol100 live

Sunday 8 May:

16:00 – 18:00
“Curing Time”, Workshop led by Angelica Bollettinari. (Fully booked)

Come learn how to make a poplar bud therapeutic salve. Last February we met to collect black poplar buds in Ferrara; just before they blossom, the buds are full of a sticky resinous substance which has anti-inflammatory properties and is great for the skin. During this workshop we will meet to make a salve together, whilst sharing stories of poplars, bees, water, toxicity, metamorphosis and collaborations.

18:30 – 20:30
Screening of “Di Madre in Figlia” by Andrea Zambelli

In the last few months we have been collecting oral histories from the ‘mondine’, who used to work as weeders in the rice fields of various areas of the Po Valley. On Sunday 8th May, we will be sharing info about this process and we will be screening “Di madre in Figlia” by Andrea Zambelli, a documentary on the choir of mondine from Novi.

To book please  email For the ‘Curing Time’ workshop we suggest a donation of €10.


- 1. People in front of HPO’s headquarters in Ferrara

- 2. HPO and PLAM Creative Studio talking about their ongoing project designing an interactive water tank which will bring rain water to the allotment of a school in Biella

-3/4. Sara Ortolani presenting a performative talk on ‘performances of care’ between humans and the land they inhabit in the area of the Po Delta

- 5/6. Pol100’s sound and visual set ‘Chasms Where Streams Fall and Disperse’, and people outside the space during the set

- 7/8. Workshop led by Angelica Bollettinari on how to make a therapeutic salve out of poplar buds, whilst sharing stories of healing, toxicity metamorphosis and the river Po

- 9/10. Screening of the documentary ‘Di Madre in Figlia’ by Andrea Zambelli on the choir of the mondine in Novi