resina is a platform for research based in Ferrara. Resina's work is invested in developing slow-paced alternative education experiments and residencies projects, with a particular focus on themes related to ecology and  the need to rethink the relationship between people, ecosystems, and the stories of the surrounding territories. Through the organisation and programming of slow-paced artistic and research residencies, as well as non-formal educational projects, resina supports emerging practitioners working across various forms of art, research and writing.  Since 2023, resina is part of Wunderkammer Consortium: a center for research, education and cultural, social and environmental production on the Ferrara river docks.

︎︎︎ Team and collaborators

Residency Program 2017

Program of activities 2017

Ferrara Residency Forum #1, 5 - 7 pm, Studio Carmelino

The first Ferrara Residency Forum focused on social reproduction, care and labor. We watched a video by Plan C and a lecture by Nina Power. The collective reading was “Wages against Housework” (Federici, 1975).

Film Screenings, 8pm, Studio Carmelino

Ferrara Residency artist Joe Campbell selected and shared a programme of films related to our theme Who Cares?. Part of the programme included a studio visit with the artist Marvin Gaye Chetwynd filmed by Joe Campbell and his collaborator Oscar Oldershaw for Tate Modern Films, “Hermitos Children 2” by Marvin Gaye Chetwynd and the documentary “It Came From Kuchar" by Jennifer M. Kroot.

Ferrara Residency Forum #2,  online conversation with *care&rage*

One half of the artist collective *care&rage*, Emilia Beatriz, met Ferrara Residency participants for an online conversation on care, listening, plants and social reproduction. *care&rage* was introduced to the residency library through one of their zines by artist Joe Campbell.

Trip #1: Venice Biennale / Giardini

The first group excursion was to Venice, where the group visited the Biennale exhibition at the Giardini.

Open Projector, 7-10 pm, Studio Carmelino

Ferrara Residency had an open call to screen video-work alongside the residents’ work at the residency HQ, Studio Carmelino. Footage was brought on USB sticks and hard drives and we were able to enjoy an informal evening of the unexpected under the label: “work in progress / short film poems / extracts / longer pieces / film failures / nothing will be turned away”. The evening was curated by artist Joe Campbell.

Talk: Centro Video Arte in Ferrara. Lola Bonora and Carlo Ansaloni meet Ferrara Residency, 4-6 pm,  Studio Carmelino

Ferrara Residency met with Lola Bonora and Carlo Ansaloni, who in 1972 established the Centro Video Arte in Ferrara. Centro Video Arte was a crucial place for the development of video art in Italy, which was active until the early 1990s.  Alternating narrative accounts of their experience running the space with screenings of videos and archive material, the meeting aimed to give an overview of the 20 years of activity of the center in Ferrara.
Many thanks to the Dundee based Research project REWINDItalia for sharing some reading material with us. 

Ferrara Residency Forum #3, Studio Carmelino

This week’s Forum focused on Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi’s text “The Soul at Work” and Berardi’s lecture “Questions About the Double-headed Monster That Is Destroying Life on the Planet. And How to Deal with It” presented at documenta 14’s ‘Parliament of Bodies’.

Talk: “Theoria degli Affetti”. Isabella Bordoni and Marco Caselli Nirmal meet Ferrara Residency, 5-7 pm, Studio Carmelino

An informal meeting where Ferrara Residency’s artists and curators learned about the project “Theoria degli Affetti”. In spring 2016, the artist Isabella Bordoni lived for two weeks in the care home ‘Casa Residenza’ for elderly people in Vignola, Italy. After her time spent at the care home, she created and installed sound work through the city narrating the testimonies of the residents and the care workers of Casa Residenza. The photographer Marco Caselli Nirmal contributed to the project documenting the experience.

Conversation #1 over tea: Wages for Housework in Ferrara

Ferrara Residency met with Gretel Carli and Carolina Peverati who shared their experiences with the Wages for Housework campaign in Italy and their work in feminist collectives in the 1970s and 80s.

Meet Us at the Yard #2, 7 - 10 pm, Korova Milk Bar

Ferrara Residency’s informal aperitivo where we met and spoke with local artists and curators, or just curious visitors. The idea behind this Meet Us at the Yard #1: “Swing by with your questions, we’ll ask some back, and show your own works and projects. It’s not an exhibition, it’s a sharing: pictures / graphics / prints / designs / flyers / posters / ephemeral work / sculptures / paintings / things badly done / things never done / ideas to discuss / magazines - in hard copies, tattooed or usb files”.  The evening was curated by Margherita d’Aloja and Valeria Bevilacqua.

Conversation #2: Lunch with Franco “Bifo” Berardi,  Bologna

A small group of Ferrara Residency participants met up with Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi in Bologna for lunch, where they discussed documenta 14, the cancelled performance Auschwitz On The Beach, Bifo’s film FUTURO COMUNISMO (2017), precarious life of precarious art makers, ‘our’ generation, ‘their’ generation, living in Italy, food and earthquakes.

Trip #2: Venice Biennale / Arsenale

The second group trip to Venice, where we visited the Biennale exhibition at the Arsenale.

Meet Us at the Yard #2, 6 - 9 pm, at Il Turco

Ferrara Residency curated an evening of art and conversation in the beautiful courtyard and headquarters of the cultural organisation ilturco. Resident artists Karolina Mikeskova, Lucie Kordacova, Bridie Gane, Josefina Malmegård, as well as the organisers Angelica Bollettinari and Margherita Elliot, created and publicly shared performances and site-specific installations.

Cherche Encore live from London: live-coding performance

Exhibition Finissage, Galleria del Carbone
One half of Cherche Encore, Hortense Maignien uses “live-coding” as a way of talking about how struggling with one’s mental health affects artistic practice. The evening began with a performance with TidalCycles software and continued with a presentation from Hortense Maignien, who lives in London, via Skype. When a friend, who she met at an electronic music festival two years ago, put her in touch with the live-coding technique through TidalCycles, Hortense found a chance to line up and hook her elusive thoughts and memories, associating them to the sounds produced through live-coding, such as birds flying in the skies of Rome, where she lived as a child. The event was curated by resident artist Lucie Kordacova.

Resources, readings, films:

Reading list Forum 1:
- Plan C, “What the f*** is social reproduction?” (2015)
- Nina Power at Rupert, Lithuania, “Double Bind Lectures: Social Reproduction, Art, Labour, Emotion” (2015)
- Silvia Federici, “Caliban and the Witch: Women, The Body and Primitive Accumulation”, Autonomedia: Brooklyn; NYC (2014)
- Silvia Federici, “Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction and Feminist Struggle”, PM Press: Oakland; CA (2012) 

Films screenings organised by Joe Campbell:

- Marvin Gaye Chetwynd, Tate Modern Films
- Marvin Gaye Chetwynd, “Hermitos Children 2” (2014)
- Jennifer M. Kroot, “It Came From Kuchar” (2009)
- Quentin S. Crisp, “September”, Snuggly Books: London (2016)
- George Kuchar, “Reflections from a Cinematic Cesspool”, Zanja Press: Berkeley CA (1997)

Forum 2,  Images and sounds
Images and sounds:
- Yvonne Rainer, “Utopia” from Lives of Performers (1972)
- Images of a radio telescope in Peru and a text/poem by Emilia Beatriz
- Rita Indiana, “Los Poderes”
- Excerpts from a recorded conversation between Letitia Beatriz and Veronica Aristeo (zine) by *care&rage*

Open Projector, film screened:
Cape Towns, Anna Monini, 2015
Rapsodia Badante, Anna Monini & Tommaso Monini, 2016
Untitled 1, Thomas Calvez, 2016
Untitled 2, Thomas Calvez, 2016
Crepuscolo, Giacomo Stefani, 2017
Sulphur Spring, Joe Campbell & Oscar Oldershaw, 2016
Ghost Town Crier, Mette Sterre + Joe Campbell + Oscar Oldershaw, 2016
3 Billion Years of Clement Weather, Joe Campbell, 2017
A Dance Film, Margherita Elliot, 2017
PROLOGUE TO Itsnotallaboutmymother, Margherita Elliot, 2012
Dal Vangelo Secondo MBP, Minibonzer Prevali, 2009
Pirati Del Po, Valerio Lo Muzio, 2016
Glossolalia / excerpt from, Henry Bradley, 2016
The Turning Behaviour, Josefina Malmegård, 2017
Flying Falling, Edwin Mingard, 2016
Haliston’s Dance, Ali Jenaban & Amin Pourbarghi, 2015
7.6 21:49 - 21:54, Karolina Mikeskova, 2010

Reading List on Centro Video Arte:
- Extract from: L.Leuzzi, S. Partridge, REWIND Italia Early Video Art in Italy / I primi anni della videoarte in Italia, John Libby Publishing, New Barnet (2015)
- Rewind Italia website
- Exhibition Catalogue: Video Art at Palazzo dei Diamanti, 1973-1979: Reenactment, Fondazione Ferrara Arte (2015)
- A list of video works selected by Lola Bonora and Carlo Ansaloni for the meeting