resina is a platform for research based in Ferrara. Resina's work is invested in developing slow-paced alternative education experiments and residencies, with a particular focus on themes related to ecology and  the need to rethink the relationship between people, ecosystems, and the stories of the surrounding territories. Through the organisation and programming of slow-paced artistic and research residencies, as well as non-formal educational projects, resina supports emerging practitioners working across various forms of art, research and writing.  Since 2023, resina is part of Wunderkammer Consortium: a center for research, education and cultural, social and environmental production on the Ferrara river docks.

︎︎︎ Team and collaborators

Rice Songs: cena performativa

Sabato 30 novembre, dalle 19:00
Location: Wunderkammer, Via Darsena, 57

Rice Songs: cena performativa

Un nuovo episodio del progetto Rice Songs, che resina porta avanti dal 2022, esplorando la storia del riso nel territorio del Delta del Po attraverso narrazioni, incontri e documentazioni visive e sonore. Il 30 novembre 2024 vi invitiamo a unirvi a noi per una cena vegana, con un menù ideato da Selenia Ileana Fabbri. Durante la cena, le varie portate verranno accompagnate da interventi, letture, proiezioni video, e canti delle nostre ospiti d’onore, il Coro delle mondine di Porporana. Una lista aggiornata di tutti gli interventi sarà annunciata presto.

Attraverso il progetto di ricerca Rice Songs, resina ha collaborato con il Coro delle Mondine di Porporana, l'azienda agricola Riso Jolanda, e altri collaboratori e collaboratrici, raccogliendo storie e racconti di vita nel territorio, di lavoro nelle risaie ieri e oggi, di paesaggi, ecosistemi e problematiche ambientali. Questa cena è un’occasione speciale per celebrare questo percorso, condividere estratti di storie raccolte negli ultimi anni, e anche invitare nuove persone a partecipare e contribuire.

L’evento è riservato ai soci di resina. È possibile associarsi al momento della prenotazione.
Quota associativa + cena: €40.

Prenotazione obbligatoria.
Per prenotarsi scrivere a


Rice Songs: A Performative Dinner
Saturday, November 30, starting at 7:00 PM
Location: Wunderkammer, Via Darsena, 57

A new episode of the project Rice Songs, which resina has been developing since 2022, exploring the history of rice in the Po Delta. On November 30, 2024, we invite you to join us for a vegan dinner with a menu conceived by Selenia Ileana Fabbri. During the dinner, each course will be accompanied by readings, screenings, and songs performed by our guests of honor, the choir Coro delle Mondine di Porporana. A detailed program of all the interventions will be announced soon.

Through the Rice Songs research project, Resina has collaborated with the choir from Porporana, the Riso Jolanda farm, and other contributors, collecting, filming, and recording oral histories of the area’s landscapes and ecosystems, of the life and work around the rice fields and how they changed during the last century. This dinner is a special occasion to celebrate this journey, share excerpts of the stories gathered over the past years, and invite new people to participate and contribute.

This event is reserved for resina members. You can join the association when booking your spot.
Membership fee + dinner: €40.

Reservation is required.
To reserve your spot, please email