resina is a platform for research based in Ferrara. Resina's work is invested in developing slow-paced alternative education experiments and residencies projects, with a particular focus on themes related to ecology and  the need to rethink the relationship between people, ecosystems, and the stories of the surrounding territories. Through the organisation and programming of slow-paced artistic and research residencies, as well as non-formal educational projects, resina supports emerging practitioners working across various forms of art, research and writing.  Since 2023, resina is part of Wunderkammer Consortium: a center for research, education and cultural, social and environmental production on the Ferrara river docks.

︎︎︎ Team and collaborators

Workshops for ‘Giardino Per Tutti’

2023 Edition:
9, 11, 16, 18.08.2023
h 17:00 - 19:00
Parco Coletta, Ferrara

2022 Edition:
10, 12, 17, 19.08.2022
h 17:00 - 19:00
Parco Coletta, Ferrara
Workshops at Coletta Park in Ferrara to map memories and stories related to the place: starting from the surrounding nature and listening to stories, collecting and pressing flowers and plants, creating collages, drawing we will create of a “fanzine” about the plants, trees and inhabitants of the park. Free workshops for children aged 6 - 13.

Laboratori al Parco Coletta per creare una mappatura condivisa di memorie e racconti legati al luogo: si partirà dalla natura circostante e ascoltando storie, raccogliendo e pressando fiori e piante, creando collage, disegnando si arriverà alla realizzazione una zine, cioè una piccola rivista. Dai 6 ai 13 anni. 

I laboratori fanno parte del programma Giardino Per Tutti e sono realizzati in collaborazione con Arci Ferrara, Centro Mediazione e Officina Meca.