Shared Library 2018
Céline Condorelli, Support Structures. Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2014.
Maaike Lauwaert & amp; Francien van Westrenen (eds.), Facing value: radical perspectives from the arts, Amsterdam: Valiz; Den Haag: Stroom, 2017.
Paul Chan, et al, What's Love (or Care, Intimacy, Warmth, Affection) Got to Do with It? Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2017.
The Fisher Function
Silvia Federici, Revolution at point zero: housework, reproduction and feminist struggle, Oakland; CA: PM Press, 2012.
Quentin S Crisp, September, 2016.
Jennet Thomas, The Unspeakable Freedom Device, 2015.
Claire Fontaine, Human strike has already begun & other writings, London: Mute, 2013.
Julieta Aranda, et al. Are You Working Too Much? Post-Fordism, Precarity, and the Labor of Art. Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2011.
Carla Lonzi, Vai Pure, Scritti di Rivolta Femminile, 1980
Guido Blumir & Agnes Sauvage, Donne di Vita - Vita di Donne, 1980
Ida Magli, Matriarcato e potere delle donne, Feltrinelli, 1978
Céline Condorelli, Support Structures. Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2014.
Maaike Lauwaert & amp; Francien van Westrenen (eds.), Facing value: radical perspectives from the arts, Amsterdam: Valiz; Den Haag: Stroom, 2017.
Paul Chan, et al, What's Love (or Care, Intimacy, Warmth, Affection) Got to Do with It? Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2017.
The Fisher Function
Silvia Federici, Revolution at point zero: housework, reproduction and feminist struggle, Oakland; CA: PM Press, 2012.
Quentin S Crisp, September, 2016.
Jennet Thomas, The Unspeakable Freedom Device, 2015.
Claire Fontaine, Human strike has already begun & other writings, London: Mute, 2013.
Julieta Aranda, et al. Are You Working Too Much? Post-Fordism, Precarity, and the Labor of Art. Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2011.
Carla Lonzi, Vai Pure, Scritti di Rivolta Femminile, 1980
Guido Blumir & Agnes Sauvage, Donne di Vita - Vita di Donne, 1980
Ida Magli, Matriarcato e potere delle donne, Feltrinelli, 1978